Monday, December 26, 2011

January...From Your Publisher

Welcome to 2012! Our January issue features one of life’s many happy occasions—weddings. Our January issue’s tribute to couples as they begin their lives together coincides with new beginnings we all celebrate in our lives this month. Starting our year off by sharing the nuptial events of these newly married couples is an exciting feature we look forward to each year. Each wedding offers a unique take on tying the knot as each couple selects specific venues and makes detailed plans or is honored with events leading up to the wedding-day festivities. We know you will enjoy reading about these happy events and about the myriad services and products many of our advertisers offer to assist those planning a wedding. While we publish engagements and weddings throughout the year, our January issue features all elements involved in weddings; it is our “All Things Wedding” issue.

We wish all of you a happy and fruitful year full of new beginnings. Whether we set goals for reorganizing our homes or workplace or improving our health and employment options, we hope you are successful in fulfilling those resolutions. One of my goals for the New Year is to work at keeping myself organized. To start and complete a task or job—you know, those monumental ones as well as those nit-picky, bothersome ones—within the work day is a goal I’m determined to achieve. When I am operating on deadlines, an albatross around my neck almost all the time, I find myself sometimes putting important details or tasks off to the last minute. So, this January, beginning DAY ONE, I plan to get this mini-makeover, this newly organized me in gear and rev up the mechanism to make this new approach a permanent modus operandi. So…what’s your personal goal to achieve this year?

Of course, as we anticipate 2012, we also pause to appreciate our 2011 that you filled with kind words, thumbs-up compliments, burgeoning support, creative ideas for features, and requests for subscriptions. In fact, we were delighted to do some “Santa Clausing” in sending letters out in December to those who received the magazine as gifts from loved ones.

Finally, as we send you along your reading way, we remind all of our Bluffs & Bayous readers and advocates about our interactive magazine online, The entire publication is online, page by page. By clicking on any website printed in the magazine, readers can zip to the selected site for more information. All of this is our gift to you each and every day, 365 days a year, and free—your own virtual joy stick to explore and learn about events and services in the Bluffs & Bayous reading area.

Happy New Year and welcome to another year of celebrating with us life along and beyond the Mississippi!

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